Your Story Hour (the Bible Comes Alive series ) with Uncle Dan and Aunt Carol is a great product for a walk through the Bible audio stories. We have been listening to it in the car. It is fun because we can note where we are in history with the stories and things that are happening in the audio drama of the Bible Stories. It is done in the same order as a standard Bible.With a short discussion after each story you could use this for your Bible curriculum or just for fun. There are also stories of famous people and events as well as missionaries and Christians who changed history or made a significant contribution. We pick them up at our local library, but I think you can order them on line as well. Here are some options to listen and buy:
This blog started out as an exploration of field trips by grade level which a family can take to enrich their child's school curriculum. I originally started this for Charter School families, or any family, wanting to supplement with fun family field trips. Since then we have decided to home school, so the bent and flavor has changed. I will still post field trips, but also home school related posts. We have four kids who span 8 years. Two high school and two elementary. Our elementary kids are home schooled.