
This blog started out as an exploration of field trips by grade level which a family can take to enrich their child's school curriculum. I originally started this for Charter School families, or any family, wanting to supplement with fun family field trips. Since then we have decided to home school, so the bent and flavor has changed. I will still post field trips, but also home school related posts. We have four kids who span 8 years. Two high school and two elementary. Our elementary kids are home schooled.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Colorado Boy visits the 50 States

You know Flat Stanely? Well, my kids are too old for those books so we invented a new "through the mail game". Colorado Boy visits the 50 states.

We found 12 friends in different states who would be Colorado Boy's first visit. We hope he will make it to all 50 states and back to us!

Here are our directions:

Colorado Boy travels the
50 US States

Thank you for participating in our study of the 50 States! We are excited to see how many states Colorado Boy can travel through.

Please help us learn something about your state by taking a picture of Colorado Boy at a      landmark or point of interest where you live and send it to us in an email telling us a bit about the land mark and your state.

— OR —

Help us learn about your state by sending us a post card from Colorado Boy telling about his visit to your state at:

Important detail:
Then send Colorado Boy on to someone you know in another state who would be likely to send us news about their state and send Colorado Boy on his way again.

If Colorado Boy reaches you on or after October 1, 2015 please return Colorado Boy to us at the above address, with a post card or note about the final state he traveled to.

Thank you so much!
The Khaliqi Family